Family Accounts
We know the cost of any sport can seem overwhelming. MXW offers a unique opportunity to pay for all your wrestling-related expenses. Through fundraisers and volunteering, your family can be reimbursed for MXW membership fees, tournament registration fees, wrestling gear (shoes, singlet, etc), transportation costs associated with a tournament (hotel, flights, etc), and the list goes on.
MXW offers fundraisers throughout the year. However, our best way for you to earn money is to VOLUNTEER AT XTREME BINGO (must be 18 years old) – volunteers at Xtreme Bingo walk around the bingo hall and sell pull-tabs. How easy is that? Plus, you earn $10 per hour that you volunteer.
Check out our Family Accounts Reimbursement Process below. Also, please be sure to use the form at the bottom of this page when requesting reimbursement.